2025 Events
1/18/25 CPR Training and Certifications
1/18/25 CPR Training and Certifications
1/18/25 CPR Training and Certifications
1/18/25 CPR Training and Certifications
1/18/25 CPR Training and Certifications
1/18/25 CPR Training and Certifications
1/18/25 CPR Training and Certifications
1/18/25 CPR Training and Certifications
1/18/25 CPR Training and Certifications
1/18/25 CPR Training and Certifications
1/18/25 CPR Training and Certifications
1/18/25 CPR Training and Certifications

Board Chair, Jay Walp giving recognition to Carolyn Homer for her dedication and service to EFPD
Chuck Altvater and Colin Moore receive IV Certification in 2024
Board Chair, Jay Walp presenting Chief Brandon Homer with Recognition of Dedicated Service Award and the Life Member Medal of Honor-Fire Department
Jesse Frisius receives Certificate of Achievment for the Most Station Hours
Colin Moore, Greg Albers, Jesse Frisius receive Certificate of Acheivement for completing Firefighter 1 Academy
Colin Moore and Kasey Albers receive CPR Instructor Certification

Life Member Medal of Honor-Fire Department Awarded to Chief Brandon Homer for demonstrating exceptional dedication, bravery, and sacrifice during his service as a firefighter
Board members John Thomas, Vince Pemberton, and Rich Barclay receive new vests as a token of appreciation from EFPD members
Board Chair, Jay Walp receives Nine Years of Service Appreciation A ward
Board Chair, Jay Walp presenting Chief Brandon Homer with Recognition of Dedicated Service Award and the Life Member Medal of Honor-Fire Department
Peter Richardson receives IV Certification
Board Members, John Thomas, Rich Barclay, Chief Brandon Homer, Board Members Vince Pemberton and Board Chair Jay Walp
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25
Controlled Burn 2/15/25